25th September 2024



The interdisciplinary approach, intellectual engagement and international scope of the Urban Studies MSc marks it out as a critically important and highly distinctive programme not only in London and the UK but globally.

We attract students from a wide variety of disciplinary and geographical backgrounds, including a significant cohort of part-time students working in professional arenas such as journalism, architecture, graphics design and transport planning.

The Urban Studies MSc is closely connected with the UCL Urban Laboratory an innovative university-wide initiative bringing together the best urban teaching and research at UCL from civil engineering to film studies, from urban history to the latest developments in architectural design.


Programme aims

Course modules

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to apply

What our students have said

Funding opportunitiesFunding opportunities

Examples of students' research

Academic enquiries:

Dr Andrew Harris


skype: theurbanlab

Admissions enquiries:

London: Aspects of Change field class, October 2012

London: Aspects of Change field class, October 2012

Bus face, London. Photo: Natalie Kaaserer (student 2009-2013)

Bus face, London. Photo: Natalie Kaaserer (student 2009-2013)

Bedford Way, UCL. Photo: Pushpa Arabindoo

Bedford Way, UCL. Photo: Pushpa Arabindoo