
LMCB - Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology

Shiqi Wang's picture

PhD student, RIccio Lab


Research synopsis

In neurons, axonal localised mRNAs could be locally translated to support axonal growth and survival. The localisation signal is normally found in the 3’UTR. Some mRNAs possess alternative 3’UTR isoforms so that they could be directed to different subcellular locations. Previous in our lab, it was found that some mRNAs could undergo axonal cleavage in the 3’UTR. In my project, I am interested in investigating the mechanism of the cleavage, how it is regulated and what proteins are involved. I would also like to understand what might be the functional significance of this cleavage and how it might affect cellular processes in the axon. I will be using biochemical methods such as immunoprecipitation combined with mass spectrometry to identify the proteins involved. Light microscopy and cell-based assays would also be applied for functional studies. With the understanding of this cleavage process, we hope to uncover a novel mRNA post-transcriptional modification mechanism in neural axons. 


2017 | MSc Genes, Drugs, Stem cells – novel therapiesImperial College London
2016 | BSc Biochemistry Imperial College London

Research themes

Transcriptional regulation
Signaling pathways
RNA metaloblism


Light microscopy
High throughput screening