
UCL Educational Psychology


Dr Tony Cline

Academic & Professional Tutor, DEdPsy, UCL

BA, Dip Psych, PhD, FBPsS, C. Psychol

Room: 225

Email: t.cline@ucl.ac.uk

Dr Tony Cline

Tony initially worked in inner city and suburban areas around London as a teacher in primary and secondary schools and as an educational psychologist. He then spent eight years as Principal Educational Psychologist for the Inner London Education Authority. Subsequently he moved into higher education, firstly as Professional Director of Training in Educational Psychology here. After that at the University of Luton his posts included Head of the newly established Psychology Department and Head of the Centre for Education Studies. In the newly amalgamated University of Bedfordshire he led an Advanced Postgraduate Certificate on Special Educational Needs and English as an Additional Language.

Tony's 100+ publications have covered a wide range of subjects, including Psychological Assessment, Special Educational Needs, Education of Bilingual Children, Child Language Brokering and Selective Mutism. His most recent research projects with colleagues at the University of Bedfordshire and elsewhere have focused on routes into teaching (funded by the TTA), young people's representations of child development (funded by ESRC) and child language brokering in schools (funded by the Nuffield Foundation). He chaired the Editorial Board of the National Association of Special Educational Needs for six years and has organized and led national conferences for the British Dyslexia Association and the National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum. He is currently a trustee of the organisation Changing Faces and serves on the Editorial Board of International Journal of Nurture in Education. His external training and consultancy work has taken him to over 45 local education authorities, children's services and professional associations in the last fifteen years.