June 2013
The Volterra II Colloquium V, a joint conference with the Festus Lexicon Project (also based in Dept. of History, UCL), entitled Law, Lexica, and Libraries: Italy and Francia between the sixth and eleventh centuries, is held on 20-22 June 2013 in 26 Gordon Square, the Department of History, UCL. This includes papers by Simon Corcoran, Benet Salway and Michael Crawford.
Simon Corcoran gives a paper entitled "How not to make a law code: forging the Justinian Code in the early middle ages" at the Earlier Middle Ages Seminar, Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, London.
May 2013
Benet Salway gives a paper entitled "The body and penal damages" in the Journée d'étude "Corps, normes, identités", of the Séminaire d'Histoire romaine et d'Antiquité tardive, Université Lille 3. Simon Corcoran is modérateur and respondent at this session.
Simon Corcoran gives a paper entitled "The Men Who Stare at Goatskins: recovering Roman history and law from the manuscripts" at the ForschungsKolloquium of the Seminar für Alte Geschichte, University of Münster.
April 2013
Benet Salway gives a paper entitled "The Theodosian Code: continuing conundrums" in the Interdepartmental Seminar series for Spring 2013 on "Law", at the University of Yale.