October 2011
Simon Corcoran and Michael Crawford both contribute papers for the Festschrift in honour of Professor Detlef Liebs (Freiburg) for his 75th birthday (Römische Jurisprudenz - Dogmatik, Überlieferung, Rezeption, edited K. Muscheler, Duncker and Humblot, Berlin).
It is announced that the first Volterra lecture (within the latest phase of the project) is to be given by Professor Charles Radding (Michigan State University) on 29th February 2012 in the Senate House, London, on the subject of the Justinian Code in eleventh-century Italy.
September 2011
Benet Salway and Simon Corcoran give presentations about Projet Volterra II and the Fragmenta Londiniensia at the 65th SIHDA conference held at Liège [abstracts of these papers were published in Revue internationale des droits de l'antiquité 3rd ser. 58 (2011)].
August 2011
Introduction to the Summa Perusina and the text of Book 6 uploaded.
Simon Corcoran gives a paper on the Fragmenta Londiniensia and the Testamentum Domini as part of Gillian Clark's retirement colloquium at the University of Bristol.
June 2011
Simon Corcoran gives a plenary lecture at the Shifting Frontiers IX conference, Penn State University, on the Gregorian Code and the Fragmenta Londiniensia (noted in Journal of Late Antiquity 4 (2011) p. 183).
April 2011
Benet Salway gives a paper at the Collectio Avellana conference held at the Royal Dutch Institute in Rome.
Simon Corcoran and Benet Salway publish the Greek fragment of the Testamentum Domini in the Journal of Theological Studies 62/1.
January 2011
Projet Volterra II succeeds in a bid for a further tranche of funding from the AHRC. The new phase of the project will run for five years to the end of 2015. Carrying on chronologically from the first phase, which went up to the ninth century, this phase will study the survival of Roman law from the Carolingian period down to the Roman law 'revival' (c.800-1100).