
Yvonne Rogers
Professor and Director of UCLIC
Research areas: Information systems; Cognitive and computational psychology; Design; Artificial intelligence; Human-centred computing; Human-computer interaction; Digital health

Victoria Austin
Associate Professor of Social Justice and Innovation
Research areas: Access to justice; Assistive robots and technology; International and development communication; Political economy and social change; Comparative economic systems

Amid Ayobi
Lecturer in Digital Health
Research areas: Digital health; Human-computer interaction

Nadia Berthouze
Professor of Affective Interaction and Computing and UCLIC Deputy Director
Research areas: Affective computing; Human-Computer interaction, Artificial intelligence; Digital health; Social robotics

Tigmanshu Bhatnagar
Lecturer in Global Disability Innovation
Research areas: Allied health and rehabilitation science

Ann Blandford
Professor of Human-Computer Interaction
Research areas: Human-computer interaction; Digital health; Health informatics and information systems; Human information interaction and retrieval

Duncan Brumby
Professor & Faculty Graduate Tutor (Taught) & HCI MSc Deputy Programme Director
Research areas: Building; Cognitive and computational psychology; Information systems; Applied and developmental psychology; Biological psychology; Social and personality psychology; Computer vision and multimedia computation; Human-centred computing; Graphics, augmented reality and games

George Chalhoub
Lecturer in Human-Computer Interaction
Research areas: Cybersecurity and privacy; Data security and protection; Human-computer interaction; Privacy and data rights; Intellectual property law; Cyberphysical systems and internet of things; Interaction and experience design

Youngjun Cho
Professor, Director of MSc DDI || GDI & WHO Collaborating Centre for AT
Research areas: Computational physiology; Affective computing; Information systems user experience design and development; Artificial intelligence; Active sensing; Assistive robots and technology; Accessible computing

Mark Colley
Lecturer in Human Computer Interaction
Research areas: Human-computer interaction; Human-centred computing; Artificial intelligence; Design; Modelling and simulation; Virtual and mixed reality; Graphics, augmented reality and games; Accessible computing; People with disability; Intelligent mobility

Enrico Costanza
Professor of Human-Computer Interaction & Deputy Director of UCLIC
Research areas: Information systems; Human-centred computing; Human-computer interaction; Artificial intelligence; Interaction and experience design; Cyberphysical systems and internet of things; Environmentally sustainable engineering

Anna Cox
Professor & Vice Dean (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion) UCL Faculty of Brain Sciences
Research areas: Cognitive and computational psychology; Human-centred computing; Human-computer interaction; Digital health; Interaction and experience design; Information systems user experience design and development; Artificial intelligence; Workplace wellbeing and quality of working life; Serious games; Entertainment and gaming; Feminist methodologies

Martin Dechant
Lecturer in Digital Mental Health
Research areas: Computer gaming and animation; Human-computer interaction; Digital health; Health psychology; Interaction and experience design

Akin Delibasi
Lecturer in Distributed Systems
Research areas: Autonomous agents and multiagents systems; control engineering, mechatronics and robotics; distributed systems and algorithms; dynamics, vibration and vibration control; optimisation

Chris Evans
Senior Teaching Fellow, MSc Admissions Tutor & Chair BoE
Research areas: Specialist studies in education; Education systems; Curriculum and pedagogy; Information systems; Library and information studies; Human-centred computing

Elia Gatti
Lecturer in Computational Design
Research areas: Human-computer interaction; Virtual and mixed reality; Sensory processes, perception and performance; Cognitive neuroscience

Vanessa Aisyahsari Hanschke
Associate Lecturer (Teaching) in Human-Computer Interaction

Ryuji Hirayama
Lecturer in Computational Design
Research areas: Acoustics and acoustical devices; waves; Manufacturing engineering; Virtual and mixed reality; Human-computer interaction; High performance computing

Catherine Holloway
Professor & Academic Director, Global Disability Innovation Hub
Research areas: Biomedical engineering; Specialist studies in education; Civil engineering; Clinical sciences; Health services and systems; Public health; Allied health and rehabilitation science; Applied computing

Iain McKinnon
Lecturer (Teaching) in Inclusive Design & Environments
Research areas: Design; disability inclusion; inclusive design; architecture; urban design; planning; human computer interactions; assistive technology; co-design and collaboration; inclusive cities; inclusive climate resilience; inclusive humanitarian responses

Diego Martinez Plasencia
Associate Professor
Research areas: Building; Cognitive and computational psychology; Information systems; Graphics, augmented reality and games

Marianna Obrist
Professor of Multisensory Interfaces
Research areas: Human-centred computing; Human-computer interaction; Sensory processes, perception and performance; Multimodal analysis and synthesis; Virtual and mixed reality; Interaction and experience design

Ben Oldfrey
Lecturer in Global Disability Innovation
Research areas: Mechanical engineering; Allied health and rehabilitation science; Medical and biological physics; Prosthetics and orthotics; Additive manufacturing; Innovation management; Environmentally sustainable engineering; Wearable materials; Composite and hybrid materials; Deep learning; Assistive robots and technology

Aneesha Singh
Associate Professor & MSc Programme Director
Research areas: Information systems; Health services and systems; Public health; Artificial intelligence; Human-centred computing; Human-computer interaction; Culture, representation and identity; Graphics, augmented reality and games

Sriram Subramanian
Professor of Computer Science
Research areas: Building; Information systems; Design; Computer vision and multimedia computation; Human-centred computing; Graphics, augmented reality and games