
UCL Centre for Systems Engineering


Systems Thinking Tools for Business

Networks of nodes

Intended Audience


Other Details

This course is suitable for anyone wanting to learn to apply systems thinking approaches to aid understanding of operational effectiveness. It is introductory and assumes no prior knowledge of the topic

The workshop will next run on:

  • 10th March 2014

Contact Laura Mullin on +44 (0)1483 204 100

The workshop is run in London, on the UCL Campus, a short walk from Euston Station.

The course runs from 09:30 to 16:30.

The cost is £375, including a light lunch and refreshments of tea and coffee.


Businesses on any scale are complex systems in their own right, with networks formed by people and resources both inside the organisation and without. Non-obvious systemic behaviours can emerge from these networks, some of which may be undesirable and have a negative impact on operational effectiveness. If we want to improve our processes, we need to be able to identify and understand any such cause-and-effects. This is where systems thinking tools can help - allowing us to see the system as a whole and so to make sense of its complexity.


The course is delivered as a combination of interactive taught sessions and group exercises.


This course is delivered by Dr. Laura Mullin, a tutor with UCL's Centre for Systems Engineering.

Laura's interests include service systems engineering and the application of systems thinking to business and project management. She has worked in complex projects in research, healthcare and space operations over the last 12 years.