Risk, Reliability and Resilience
07 January 2019–11 January 2019, 9:00 am–5:15 pm
This course provides an understanding of the aspects of systems and technology development which affect the ultimate integrity of the product. There is a strong focus on risk management in systems development; projects should identify and manage risks that might affect the cost, schedule or technical performance of the system under development. Both technological and human factors (including organisational factors) are considered as root causes of failure.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
- £2364.00
Centre for Systems Engineering
UCLGower StreetLondonWC1E 6BTUnited Kingdom
By the end of this course, the student will be able to:
- Understand the meaning of key concepts such as risk, failure, robustness, reliability, resilience, quality and integrity
- Identify systems that are robust/resilient, and those that are prone to failure (including catastrophic failure)
- Identify root causes of failure, and quantify the overall probability of failure by building Fault Trees
- Conduct failure analysis using Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis
- Understand how to respond to failing systems
- Identify possible risks in a project, and assess their probability and impact
- Manage overall risk exposure against dimensions of technical performance, schedule and cost
- Manage the margin of a project taking into account risk exposure
- Perform effective risk management for a project
- Identify sources of human error including psychological barriers to effective decision making
- Understanding the effectiveness of groups in decision making
Application process
In order to apply for a short course, please fill out an application form and return it to uclse.courses@ucl.ac.uk.
If you believe that you may need a visa, you can find more information about short course visas by visiting the UCL advice page.
Our courses are non-residential. You will need to arrange your own accommodation in London if necessary.