The vacancies webpage sometimes contains information on new positions.
Applications to Research Council Fellowships
We welcome applications for fellowships sponsored by research councils and other funding bodies to be supported by the Department of Statistical Science at UCL.
If you are interested in applying, please feel free to contact a member of staff working in your subject area for discussions.
To apply, please send an e-mail to Professor Ricardo Silva, Director of Research Your e-mail must contain the following documents as PDF file attachments:
- CV (max 3 pages, include names and e-mail addresses of three potential referees)
- publication list (max 1 page)
- past research and research proposal (max 2 pages)
- Note that it is your responsibility to check your eligibility to apply with the relevant funding body.
- Please try to give us at least 4 weeks notice (6 weeks in the case of MRC fellowships) before the scheme deadline so that if the Department decides to support the application we can work together to make the strongest possible case.
Please indicate the Fellowship scheme for which you want to be supported. You will be contacted after the internal departmental selection process to inform you of the outcome of your application. If successful, we will support your Fellowship Application to the relevant funding body.
Post-Doctoral and ERC Research Fellowships
MRC Fellowships
The Medical Research Council (MRC) offers doctoral/postdoctoral and career development fellowships that can be taken at the Department of Statistical Science. This could be in the field of Biostatistics or Health Services Research:
- Career development award.
- Methodology research fellowship.
- MRC Career development award in biostatistics.
Further information can be found on: MRC-funded Fellowships
EPSRC Fellowships
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) offers postdoctoral fellowships that can be taken at the Department of Statistical Science:
- EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowships.
- EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellowships
Up to five years of funding for talented researchers who have 3-10 years of postdoctoral experience and must not hold a permanent academic post. Candidates should discuss application with the Department from June.
Further information can be found on EPSRC Fellowships.
NERC Fellowships
The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) offers postdoctoral fellowships that can be taken at the Department of Statistical Science. Candidates should discuss application with the Department from June.
- NERC Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (3 years)
- NERC Advanced Research Fellowships (5 years)
Further information can be found on NERC Fellowships.
European Commission
Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) Two year post-doc fellowship projects that are bottom-up (open to all disciplines) to support trans-national mobility, i.e. someone in another European country coming to UCL for two years or vice versa. EC Funding programmes and open calls.
Royal Society
The Royal Society has various fellowship schemes, including the highly prestigious five year University Research Fellowships and the two year Newton International Fellowships, among others.
- Royal Society University Research Fellowships: Provide outstanding scientists, who have the potential to become leaders in their chosen field, with the opportunity to build an independent research career. Funding is available for up to 8 years.
- Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships.
- Newton International Fellowships. See RS University Research Fellowship and other Grants, Schemes and Awards.
Leverhulme Trust
The Leverhulme Trust also has several fellowship programmes, for further information, please visit Leverhulme Schemes at a glance.
- Early Career Fellowships.
The Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851
The Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 offers major awards to scientists and engineers for research, development and design. Its aims are to support education for the benefit of productive industry and full details of all its awards are on the Royal Commission page.
UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship Scheme
The UK Research and Innovation Future Leaders Fellowships (FLF) will grow the strong supply of talented individuals needed to ensure that UK research and innovation continues to be world class.
UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship page.