
Statistical Science


Centre for Data Science Symposium on Causal Inference

22 November 2023, 11:30 am–6:30 pm

Exterior photo of UCL's Portico and front quad.

The UCL Centre for Data Science and UCL Institute for Mathematical And Statistical Sciences (IMSS) present a one-day symposium on causal inference.

This event is free.

Event Information

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Kayvan Sadeghi


Hardy Room
De Morgan House
57-58 Russell Square

The UCL Centre for Data Science and UCL Institute for Mathematical And Statistical Sciences (IMSS) are organizing a one-day symposium on causal inference on 22 November. The symposium will be held at De Morgan House in the London Mathematical Society. 

This symposium aims to bring together different researchers at UCL who work on or are interested in the different aspects of the theory and application of causal inference. It will also include external leaders in the field as keynote speakers, as well as members of the industry that make use of causal models and methods.

The symposium will start at 11am with a reception followed by a session on the application of causality at UCL. After breaking for lunch, it will reconvene at 1:30pm for the keynote talk  and a second session on the application of causality in the industry. These sessions will be followed by a panel addressing the challenges and opportunities of using causal models. The closing reception will take place at 5:30pm.

The confirmed list of speakers includes Professor Philip Dawid (University of Cambridge), Professor Neil Davies, Dr Ben Deaner, and Professor Karla Diaz-Ordaz (UCL), and Prof Silvia Chiappa (Google Deepmind and UCL).

Please note: this is an in-person event and there will be no hybrid/streaming functionality.