
Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences


Shortlist announced for UCL Education Awards 2022

8 April 2022

Congratulations to the many colleagues across the faculty who have been nominated and shortlisted for the UCL Education Awards 2022.

ucl campus image through columns

The UCL Provost Education Awards and Student Choice Awards recognise and celebrate nominated staff and students who have made immense contributions to our learning community this past year. We are delighted to announce that numerous colleagues have been nominated and shortlisted for each of the awards. The winners will be announced on Wednesday 8 June 2022.

UCL Provost Education Awards

Each of the following nominees has been awarded a UCL Education Award by the Faculty and shortlisted for a UCL Provost Education Award. These awards recognise staff making outstanding contributions to the learning experience and success of our students.

We would like to extend our congratulation to the following colleagues who have been shortlisted for a UCL Provost Education Award:

Academic Support

  • Kalina Zhekova - Political Science

Assessment & Feedback

  • Corisande Fenwick - Institute of Archaeology

Innovation and Transformation

  • Dr. David Sim - History 

Openness and Inclusion

  • Dr. Cathy Elliott - Political Science

  • Dr. Silvia Dal Bianco & Prof. Marcos Vera Hernandez - Economics (Team nominee)

Postgraduate Teaching Assistant (PGTAs)

  • Lotte Hargrave - Political Science

Student-Staff Partnerships

  • Marc Esteve – Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences

Student Choice awards

The Student Choice Awards give students the chance to thank members of staff who have inspired and supported them during their time at UCL, letting these staff members know that their hard work makes a difference.

We would like to extend our congratulation to the following colleagues who have been shortlisted for the Student Choice Awards:

Amazing Support Staff

  • Kate Moore - Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences

Brilliant Research-based Education

  • Nauro Campos - Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences

Excellent Personal Tutoring

  • Ahmed Saadé - Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences

Inspiring Teaching Delivery

  • Ahmed Saadé - Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences

Sustainable Education

  • Alison Macdonald - Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences

This year the Student's Union received 933 nominations covering over 500 individual members of staff. You can view the full list of nominations on their roll of honour page.

Congratulations and good luck to all this year’s nominees!