Welcome to our podcast series for Decolonising the Curriculum Week 2021.
Podcast episodes
SHS Decolonising the Curriculum Podcast Series: Episode 1
A brief recent history of the movement, discussing different approaches and criticisms, as an introduction to the Faculty of Social and Historical Sciences' Decolonising the Curriculum Week 2021. Presented by Alice Riddell and Chloe May. Many thanks to Saliee Khurjekar and Lily Rowe for speaking with us. Production, editing and sound design were by Talia Augustidis.
SHS Decolonising the Curriculum Podcast Series: Episode 2
Thank you to Dr Amina Yaqin from the University of SOAS for speaking with us about the SOAS decolonising teaching and learning toolkit. Interviewed by Khadija Patel, editing by Talia Augustidis.
SHS Decolonising the Curriculum Podcast Series: Episode 3
Chloe May and Obi Egemonye, UCL students and members of the Decolonising the Curriculum Week 2021 team, speak to Dr Louise Owusu-Kwarteng about the BAME attainment gap. Editing by Talia Augustidis.
SHS Decolonising the Curriculum Podcast Series: Episode 4
For this episode, we asked Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students for insight into their experience at UCL. Thanks to Joshua Wayoe, Angela Ji, Adwoa Amankona, Nitya Myadam, Mia Harada-Laszlo, Aman Saini and Alex Staddon Foster. Produced by Venetia Jolly, Khadija Patel and Talia Augustidis, editing and sound design by Talia Augustidis.