POSTPONED: Incentives in Health Care
17 March 2020, 6:30 pm–7:30 pm
This event has been cancelled following the increase in the number of coronavirus cases in London. We apologise for any inconvenience.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
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- Yes
- Free
UCL Joint Faculties Office
Gustave Tuck Lecture TheatreUCL Wilkins BuildingGower StreetLondonWC1E 6BT
The lecture will now take place in the Autumn term and tickets will be available nearer the time.
If you are interested in attending the rescheduled lecture, please sign up to our public events mailing list to receive updates.
Marcos Vera Hernandez, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, delivers his Inaugural Lecture: Incentives in Health Care
About the lecture
Relations between insurers, health care providers and consumers are plagued with asymmetric information problems, which lead to inefficient outcomes. Incentives are a promising avenue to partially redress these inefficiencies. However, challenges remain in the use of incentive contracts for health care providers: the crowding out of intrinsic motivation, variability in skills, and multitasking. In this lecture, we will present recent research using data from India and the UK, which informs the optimal design of incentives contracts for health care providers.
About the speaker
Marcos Vera Hernandez is Professor of Economics at UCL and a Research Fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies. His research focuses on the economics of health in developed and developing countries, combining theoretical models with experimental and quasi-experimental techniques to answer questions concerning the economic consequences of health-related risk, market failures in health-related markets, the behaviour of health care providers, and households’ health investment choices. He has won several awards including the 2013 Royal Economic Society prize.
Inaugural Lecture Series 2019/20
This lecture is part of the 2019/20 series for UCL's Faculty of Arts & Humanities and Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences. The series provides an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our professors who are undertaking research and scholarship of international significance, and offers an insight into the strength and vitality of the arts, humanities and social sciences at UCL.
All our lectures are free to attend and open to all. You don't have to be a UCL staff member or student to come along.
Lectures begin at 18:30 and are typically one hour long. A drinks reception will follow, to which everyone is welcome to join.
We look forward to meeting you at one of our events.
For information on other upcoming lectures please visit:
Other events in this series