This page provides a portal to all of UCL's world-class Mass Spectrometry facilities.
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A bespoke research group that studies the structure and dynamics of proteins and protein complexes using a combination of structural mass spectrometry approaches such as, native, ion mobility and crosslinking. Computational tools are also developed to process the data obtained. Current research projects involve developing methods for the study of flexible proteins, the study of protein complexes of type IV secretion systems, protein misfolding diseases such as alpha-1 antitrypsin.
Visit UCL/Birkbeck ISMB Mass Spectrometry Facility website or contact Dr Kostas Thalassinos for further information.
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Research within the SoP Mass Spectrometry Facility ranges from basic physical chemistry and biochemical studies through to proteomics, metabolomics and drug-protein and drug-nucleic acid interactions.
Services & Rates. Guidelines for sample submission.
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A bespoke translational research group that brings together cutting edge technology with precision and stratified medicine for the benefit of patients. TMSRG specialises in using extreme deep phenotyping (proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics) to find new drug targets, elucidate disease mechanisms, identify new biomarkers and develop new tests for the NHS and industrial drug trials.
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Based at the UCL Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Institute for Women’s Health, the Cancer Proteomics Group (CPG)’s major research themes are the identification of cancer biomarkers and understanding the molecular basis of cancer through application of quantitative proteomic technologies. The group welcomes collaborative research, offering advice on experimental design and performing sample prep and LC-MS/MS analysis (Orbitrap) using workflows incorporating chemical mass tagging, in vivo labelling (SILAC) and label-free quantification. The group has particular expertise in the analysis of clinical samples for biomarker discovery and expertise in Machine learning/Artificial Intelligence for data interpretation and modelling using network and longitudinal approaches.
For further information please contact the Research team or visit Projects webpage.
Guidelines for project proposals. Equipment available and services provided.
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The PRCF provides infrastructure for the identification and quantification of proteins and their post-translational modifications (PTMs). This includes expertise in PTM enrichment strategies, peptide separations, state-of-the-art mass spectrometry (MS) for discovery-driven experiments as well as targeted workflows for sensitive and consistent quantitative monitoring of pre-selected sets of proteins. The facility continuously develops and adapts new sample preparation techniques, MS approaches and software tools to provide optimal analytical solutions for individual research projects.
Guidelines for project proposals. Equipment available and services provided.