
Science Technology Platforms


Cell Sorting & Analysis

This page provides a portal to all of UCL's world-class Cell Sorting & Analysis facilities.

Taking in the Institute of Immunity and Transplantation Flow cytometry facility at Royal Free Hospital and Infection and Immunity Flow Cytometry Facility at Bloomsbury campus.
Further information

Institute of Immunity and Transplantation
The IIT Flow facility is equipped with four analysers, three 5-laser BD LSRFortessas which are capable of measuring up to 18 fluorescent parameters and one 3-laser BD LSRII. The facility also has a 3-laser BD FACSAria IIu cell sorter.  
Services provided by the facility include Cell sorting within office hours, cell sorter and analyser training for all abilities. The facility provides maintenance of instruments for the acquisition of reliable and reproducible longitudinal data, as well as expertise in experimental design, data analysis, technical assistance and troubleshooting. 
Appropriate support and training is provided to all scientists to ensure fast and efficient progress with their research and obtain reliable, reproducible and quality data.

For enquiries please contact the facility manager Janani Sivakumaran-Nguyen. Tel: 02077940500 ext. 34932.

Infection and Immunity, Bloomsbury
The Infection and Immunity Flow Cytometry Facility at Bloomsbury campus consists of a BDFACS Aria (SORP) high speed cell sorter and 5 analysers, a BDLSR2 (SORP) with 5 Lasers, a BD LSR Fortessa with 4 Lasers, a BD LSRFortessa x20 (SORP) with 5 Lasers, a BDFACS Verse with 3 Lasers and a BDFACS Calibur with 2 Lasers.

For further information, guidance, training and registration to use the facility please contact the core facility manager Jamie Evans. Tel: 02031082174.

The UCL GOS Institute of Child Health Flow Cytometry Core Facility has two types of instruments and two free of charge analysis computers. The instruments are either cell analysers or cell sorters. 
Further information

Only PPMS registered users have access to instruments and analysis computers. Users can directly book any cell analyser they trained on. Cell sorters are only operated and booked by facility's staff. Users can check the availability of the cell sorters in this link and call or send an email to facility's staff indicating the time they would like to book their sort.


Equipment and Services available. Advice & Guidelines for the use of the facility. Charges and conditions of use.



The Flow Cytometry Core Facility at the UCL Cancer Institute is equipped with the latest instrumentation including a BD Symphony A5 and a Helios Mass cytometer.
Further information

The BD Symphony A5 is capable of measuring up to 28 fluorescent parameters including access to the latest fluorescent dye technology and the Helios Mass cytometer is capable of measuring >35 parameters simultaneously per cell. The facility also has three 4-laser Fortessa analysers and three cell sorters, one of which is housed in a Class II Biosafety cabinet. Services provided by the facility include Cell Sorting, Mass cytometry and analyser training from beginner to advanced levels. Expertise in experimental design for both sorting and analysis as well as technical assistance is provided.

Equipment and Services available. Resources. Booking. Contact details.


The Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering in the Eastman Dental Institute offers a wide range of materials and cell characterisation facilities including Flow Cytometry.
Further information

Also available is the following equipment: ATR FTIR, Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, Fatigue Testing, Goniometry, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry ICP-MS, Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry ICP-OES, Ion Chromatography, Leica DMIRB Inverted Fluorescence Microscope, Raman And FTIR Mapping, Real time quantitative PCR and allele discrimination, Scanning Electron Microscope, Transmission Electron Microscope, UV-Visible Spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffraction. Staff are happy to discuss collaborative research measurements with both internal and external users. 

For further information please contact Professor Jonathan Knowles.