
UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction


Kim-Anh Anastasia Chau

Ana Chau
Supervisors: Joanna Faure Walker and Adam Harris 
Funding: UCL studentship
Email: kim-anh.chau.21@ucl.ac.uk








The efficacy of disaster-related warnings triggering safety-seeking behaviour 

To ensure disaster warning systems have the desired effect of triggering action and saving lives, we need to identify what factors influence an individual’s adoption of safety-seeking behaviour. This project aims to reveal the decision-making process of individuals and households who receive warnings. The project will include examination of what aspects of the warning, perceived risk, and resident’s personal circumstances affected actions taken. Findings will be compared to existing literature. The research will add to understanding of the relationship between outcomes, understanding, trust and future responses, as well as contributing to research into how to educate individuals about the probabilistic nature of hazards and warnings in the aftermath of false alarms, so as to maintain protective actions following future warnings.


  • MSc Risk, Disasters and Resilience, Distinction, University College London (2021-2022)
  • BSc Economics, First-class, King's College London (2018-2021)


  • GRRIPP (2022) Alternative References on Gender, Intersectionality and Resilience : A bibliography of thematical and regional references from the GRRIPP programme. Centre for Gender and Disaster, University College London : London