UCL researchers invited to contribute to OECD study on the state of science
8 October 2021
UCL researchers are invited to participate in the newly launched Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) International Survey of Science.

The OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Directorate aims to inform the definition and implementation of policies aimed at improving the current state of science in the UK as well as its impact on British society.
Carried out since 2015, the OECD international surveys on science are conducted to enable the community’s safe use of information for strict statistical research purposes.
This 2021 edition seeks to provide better international comparisons about the professional situation of researchers in the UK - helping the OECD to map careers and understand how questions of engagement and impact apply to individuals in different contexts and situations.
The new survey focuses on the working conditions experienced by scientists, their engagement with their social and economic environment, and the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on their work and careers.
Whilst there have been regular surveys covering these issues within the UK, so far, a clear international picture for benchmarking is lacking. This study therefore aims to address this gap.
As in previous editions, the data are processed confidentially and once anonymised will be available for scientific use. The previous ISSA edition focused on the digitalisation of science, gathering more than 12 thousand researchers in 60 countries. The results were published last year and have since contributed to the OECD council recommendation on access to research data and a recent report on the need to reduce the precarity of research careers.
The survey will remain be open until Tuesday 30 November.