
UCL Research


New job opportunities at OVPR

22 November 2019


Interested in joining the OVPR team? We have five exciting opportunities to help support UCL’s research activities, based in our Bloomsbury offices. We have vacancies for:

The Research Ethics Officer's role will involve working with colleagues in OVPR to develop, revise and implement new policies and procedures in relation to research ethics, as well as advising and supporting the UCL community on research ethics. They will also manage and support the review of applications for ethical review submitted to the UCL Research Ethics Committee (UCL REC) and to maintain an oversight of research ethics review processes and structures across the institution. The postholder will be expected to keep abreast of external polices and legislation changes that impact upon research at UCL, in order to provide clear guidance for researchers. This role will suit someone with administrative experience gained within the higher education sector or in a large, complex organisation. Experience of working with complex documents and polices and the ability to translate these for different audiences is essential. Strong communication skills are important, as well as the ability to develop effective working relationships and to manage multiple projects successfully. Find out more about the role and apply on the UCL jobs page (deadline 5th December). 

The Research Policy & Governance Officer is responsible for engaging with and reporting on the ongoing and future external research governance environment across all areas of UCL research. The postholder will play a key role in supporting a culture of research integrity at UCL and will be expected to both develop and present at training events for UCL staff and students. The successful candidate will work closely with other members of the team, as well as colleagues from across UCL, and will be responsible for creating clear policies and guidance for researchers relating to emerging research governance themes such as sensitive research. Strong communication skills are important as well as the ability to develop effective working relationships and to manage multiple projects successfully. To find out more and apply for this position, visit the UCL jobs page (deadline 30th November). 

The Public Policy Engagement Facilitator for the School of Life and Medical Sciences (Brain Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences and Population Health Sciences) works with and supports the Head of UCL Public Policy and the Director of Research Coordination and Planning (SLMS), and others with relevant expertise, to identify biomedical, life and population health sciences research with policy relevance, and deliver dissemination and knowledge exchange activities for such research. The successful postholder will identify and develop opportunities to embed policy engagement within the research culture of UCL’s biomedical, life and population health sciences; the acceleration of the impact of research is a key component of this role. Experience of effectively communicating specialist research to policy professionals and an understanding of the public policy landscape, including key stakeholders, is essential. Find out more and apply for the role on the UCL jobs page (deadline 30th November). 

The Research Evaluation Administrator will provide a wide range of operational support across OVPR, primarily supporting the UCL Research Excellence Framework (REF2021) Team whilst also being called upon to support other OVPR areas, including the Research Impact Curation Support (RICS) team, the Research Integrity & Ethics team and occasional support to the Director of Research Evaluation. The successful candidate should have significant administrative experience - preferably within the higher education sector or within a large and complex organisation. For more information and to apply, visit the UCL Jobs page here (deadline 28th November). 

The Research Facilitator’s primary role will be to support the development of research funding across the UCL BEAMS School (Faculties of Built Environment, Engineering Sciences, and Mathematical & Physical Sciences). Working closely with other members of the RCO, the postholder will help manage the School’s relationship with key funders and sponsors. The successful applicant will also work closely with Vice-Deans (Research) of the three Faculties and Departmental Research Directors to develop successful strategies for research and research training activity, and for maintaining the School’s underpinning research infrastructure. Candidates are expected to have a postgraduate research degree - or experience that gives equivalent familiarity with the research process - together with experience and knowledge of the major national and international funding agencies of relevance, their policies, strategies, priorities and processes. Find out more and apply for the position here (deadline 25th November). 

If you have any queries regarding the application process, please contact Ms Alexandra Iglesias (alexandra.iglesias@ucl.ac.uk or tel: +44 (0)20 7679 8580).