
UCL Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction


Debating Matters National Final

28 June 2013–29 June 2013, 1:30 pm–7:15 pm

Event Information

Open to



Anatomy building (28th June) and Roberts Building (29th June)

 This year, the UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction will host the National final of Debating Matters. Debating Matters is a national debate competition for 6th form students, run by the Institute of Ideas. The National final runs over 3 days, with days 1 and 2, Fri 27th and Sat 28th June, hosted by the IRDR and day 3, Sun 29th June, hosted by the ROyal Society of Medicine.

Debating Matters offers a fresh, accessible and engaging format for debating contemporary issues. The competition has successfully pioneered a format for debate that takes ideas, argument and young people seriously. The focus is on content and substance over style, encouraging young people to engage in an intelligent contest of ideas and holding up their ideas to critical scrutiny. 

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