
Clinical Neurophysiology


Information for Patients

Neurophysiological investigations are used for the diagnosis of a variety of neurological diseases. The patient information sheets can be downloaded from this page.


The term EMG (electromyography) is often used by clinicians to refer to both nerve conduction and EMG studies which are usually carried out to diagnose disorders of the peripheral nerves or muscle. We usually perform nerve conduction studies, but depending on the problem you may also require an EMG or testing of your thermal sensitivity.


An EEG (electroencephalography) is a routine investigation performed on all age groups of patients to help in the diagnosis of many disorders of the brain.

An EEG records the electrical activity that your brain produces while sending and receiving messages to and from your body.

If a routine EEG has not been diagnostic, it may be useful to repeat it while you are asleep. This is called sleep deprived EEG when you have been awake the preceding night.

In some cases it may be helpful to record an EEG over many hours. For this we use portable equipment that you can wear on a belt. The equipment will be set up in the afternoon and you can then leave the hospital and return the equipment in the next morning.

Evoked potentials

EP (Evoked potentials) record the reponses of your brain after visual (VEP), auditory (AEP) or electrical stimulation of nerves at the wrist or the ankle (SEP)

In some cases we may apply mild short-lasting heat stimuli to the skin