



There are a number of documents required throughout the therapy sessions on the CanTalk Study. These were distributed at the training day and are also available below.

This is the document you should use to refresh your knowledge of how the CanTalk Study works in terms of referrals and therapy sessions.

It summarises and contains the relevant documents for the following: 

  • Recruitment process
  • CBT Referral process
  • CBT Sessions scheduling, including the Patient Appointment Schedule and CBT Components Checklist
  • Audio Consent Form and Dropbox instructions
  • SAE protocol
  • Contact details should you have either administrative queries or CBT queries

This flowchart is a one sheet 'quick glance' guide to the CanTalk Study; you  may find it useful to have a copy to hand.

Good to know

  1. Please ensure that you obtain consent from participants to confirm that they are happy for you to audio record their therapy sessions. Even if participants refuse to consent, they are still able to receive therapy, but please let the study team know should this occur.
  2. To ensure that participants attend their sessions with you, please use the Appointment Schedule to record times and dates. We ask that you return this document to the study team once all sessions have been completed, as we use the data to see whether attendance affects treatment outcomes.
  3. As covered in the training, the CBT Components Checklist is for you to complete after every therapy session. Full instructions are provided on the reverse of the checklist. Ensure you have followed the process we have given you and completed everything required!