Postgraduate Open Evening - 14th March 2018
14 March 2018, 5:30 pm–7:30 pm
Event Information
Open to
- All
Maple House, 6th Floor, 149 Tottenham Court Road, UCL Division of Psychiatry, London W1T 7NF
Maple House, Division of Psychiatry UCL
MSc in Clinical Mental Health Sciences, Mental Health Sciences Research, MRes in Brain Sciences, and MSc in Dementia: Causes, Treatments, and Research Mental Health, and PhD studies at the Division of Psychiatry
Have you applied or are you considering applying for our MSc courses in Clinical Mental Health Sciences, MSc Mental Health Sciences Research, MRes in Brain Sciences, and our MSc in Dementia: Causes, Treatments and Research Mental Health?
Would you like to meet some of the academic staff who will be teaching in the MSc courses?
Are you interested in a PhD in mental health?
We will be hosting an Open Evening event for our prospective MSc taught and PhD students. People who have already received offers for study commencing September 2018 are particularly encouraged to come.
The event will be taking place between 5.30pm and 7.30pm on Wednesday 14th March 2018 in the Commons Room of Maple House (6th Floor, 149 Tottenham Court Road, Division of Psychiatry, London W1T 7NF; see map here).
It's a great opportunity to:
- Hear more about the approach we are taking, the content of the modules that we offer and the full range of options available in our MScs, including options from other departments.
- Find about the range of supporting seminars and journal clubs we are offering alongside the MSc, including guidance on how to plan your career.
- Hear more about graduate student life in our Division and at UCL.
- Ask any questions.
If you would like to come to the Open Evening, please register your interest by contacting Chris Coup -