
MRC Prion Unit and Institute of Prion diseases


2024 Prion Unit at UCL seminars

DateSpeakerTitle of TalkZoom Log inHost
11th December
1pm - 2pm
Professor Michel Goedert
Medical Research Council
Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK
Cryo-EM structures of amyloid filaments from the human brain Wenjuan Zhang
30th October
1pm - 2pm
Professor Ivan Gout
Structural & Molecular Biology
UCL Division of Biosciences
Coenzyme A biology, but not as we know it Jan Bieschke
26th June
1pm - 2pm
Professor Adrian Isaacs
UK Dementia Research Institute at UCL
Department of Neurodegenerative Disease
C9orf72 FTD/ALS molecular mechanisms Tom Cunningham
1st May
1pm - 2pm
Professor Hiroki Ueda
University of Tokyo
Towards Human Systems Biology of Sleep/Wake Cycles: Phosphorylation Hypothesis of sleep Peter Kloehn
20th March
1pm - 2pm
Professor Michael D. Greschwind
University of California
A tour of clinical research from a centre in the USA Simon Mead
21st February
1pm - 2pm
Professor Selina Wray
Department of Neurodegenerative Disease

Human stem cell models of Alzheimer’s disease and familial British dementia

Meeting ID: 974 4165 4898
Passcode: 752809

Simon Mead

2024 Events

13th February
9.30am - 4pm
MRC Prion Unit at UCL Open Day 2024AM
09.30 - Registration & refreshments
10.00 - Welcome
10.10 - Introduction and update - Professor John Collinge
11.10 - Break
11.40 - Short talks; including from members of the National Prion Clinic
12.30 - Lunch (5th Floor, Clarkey’s); Laboratory Tours
14.00 - Group discussions
16.00 - Finish
RSVP by Tuesday 6th February 2024 by email or telephone
Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements and/or access requirements

Rowena Baker, National Prion Clinic, tel. 0207 679 5036 or email r.baker@prion.ucl.ac.uk

 Prion Unit at UCL seminars/events archive

DateSpeakerTitle of TalkHost
11th October
1pm - 2pm
Professor Jeremy Schmit
Department of Physics, Kansas State University
Amyloid aggregation at multiple resolutions: Zooming in without missing the big pictureJan Bieschke
DateSpeakerTitle of TalkHost
7th December
1pm - 2pm
Professor Sarah Tabrizi
Director of the Huntington’s Disease Centre,
Joint-Head of the Department of Neurodegenerative Disease,
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology,
and Principal Investigator of the UK Dementia Research Institute
Genetic Therapies for Huntington’s disease -
challenges and opportunities
John Collinge
23rd November
1pm - 2pm
Dr Stephen Turnock
Regional Programme Manager (LSHTM,RVC,UCL)
NC3Rs - National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research
Using the 3Rs as a framework for carrying out animal researchSilvia Purro
9th November
1pm - 2pm
Professor Dr. Ina Vorberg
Principal Investigator of Prion Cell Biology at the DZNE
and Professor at the University of Bonn

University of Bonn
Protein folding goes viral: How viral gene products
increase the dissemination of misfolded proteins
John Collinge
22nd June
1pm - 2pm
Professor John Hardy
PhD MD(Hons) DSc AEu FMedSci FRS
Chair of Molecular Biology of Neurological Disease
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology
Genomic analysis and neurodegenerationJohn Collinge
6th April
1pm - 2pm
Dr Wei-Feng Xue
Reader in Chemical Biology and
Programme Director for Biochemistry,
School of Biosciences, University of Kent
The polymorphic landscape of amyloid assembly
revealed by atomic force microscopy and individual
particle structural reconstruction
Jan Bieschke
2nd March
12.30pm - 1pm
Prof Rickie Patani
Professor of Human Stem Cells
and Regenerative Neurology at
The Francis Crick Institute and
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology
Decoding cell type specific molecular
aberrations in ALS using human stem cell models

Parmjit Jat

DateSpeakerTitle of TalkHost
1st December
1pm - 2pm
Dr Frances Wiseman
Programme Leader in Animal Models
at UK Dementia Research Institute
and ARUK Senior Research Fellow
Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease in Down syndrome
– a range of research approaches

Dr Silvia Purro

6th October
1pm - 2pm
Dr Ronald Melki
Director of Research at CNRS,
Paris, France
Prion-like propagation of alpha-synuclein assemblies
and the molecular basis of distinct synucleinopathies
Dr Peter Kloehn
8th September
1pm - 2pm

Professor Sheena Radford
Astbury Professor of Biophysics
and Royal Society Research Professor
University of Leeds

Arresting amyloid formation by targeting the early culprits of aggregationDr Graham Jackson
26th May
1pm - 2pm
Dr Wenjuan Zhang
Career development fellow,
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Cryo-EM structures of tau filaments in human neurodegenerative diseasesProf John Collinge

28th April
Starting at 12:30

Professor Kerensa Broersen
Associate Professor of Applied
Stem Cell Technologies,

University of Twente, NL

Nonconventional secretion of Alzheimer-related protein tau

Prof John Collinge

DateSpeakerTitle of TalkHost
25th November
Dr Sean Sweeney

Reader in Neuroscience, University of York

Using Drosophila to identify pathological signaling and therapeutics for Frontotemporal Dementia and Amyotrophic Lateral SclerosisDr Emmanuel Asante
1st July
Dr Wendy Noble
Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience,
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience,
King’s College
Organotypic brain slice cultures as models for Alzheimer's disease researchDr Emmanuel Asante
6th May

Professor Rick Livesey
Professor of Stem Cell Biology,
Developmental Biology & Cancer Department,
Zayed Centre for Research into Rare Disease in Children,
UCL GOS Institute of Child Health

Insights into the pathogenesis of dementia from human stem cell systemsDr Peter Kloehn
15th January
Professor James H Naismith
Professor of Structural Biology &
Director of the Rosalind Franklin Institute, Oxford
The Potential for Electrons in ImagingProf John Collinge
DateSpeakerTitle of TalkHost

20th November

Professor Philip Lowry
Emeritus Professor at the University of Reading

A historical perspective of therapeutic Human Growth    

Dr Peter Kloehn

25th September

Dr Benjamin Falcon
Postdoctoral Scientist at the
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Cryo-EM of assembled tau conformers in human neurodegenerative disease

Dr Jan Bieschke

24th July

Prof Mark Marsh
Director - MRC-Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology, UCL

Linking cell biology to pathogenesis in a simian model for HIV infection

Professor Parmjit Jat

10th July

Sir Paul Nurse
FMedSci FRS Chief Executive and Director, Francis Crick Institute

Controlling the Cell Cycle

Professor John Collinge

26th June

Dr J P Simons
Reader in Experimental Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Centre for
Amyloidosis and Acute Phase Proteins, Division of Medicine, UCL

Mechanisms of amyloid deposition in systemic amyloidosis

Professor John Collinge   

24th June

Dr Reed Wickner, M.D.
Distinguished Investigator
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH

Anti-prion system in yeast

Professor John Collinge 

20th February

Professor Glenn C Telling 
Director Prion Research Center (PRC)
Professor of Microbiology, Immunology & Pathology
Colorado State University University

Characterizing the host range and strain properties of chronic wasting disease prions

Professor John Collinge