
Department of Political Science


The UCL Press Open Access Journals have moved

21 February 2024

UCL Press Open Access Journals Programme has launched on a new platform; providing a more intuitive, improved navigation experience for its global readers.

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The UCL Press Open Access Journals have moved,  they can now be found here: www.journals.uclpress.co.uk

We are excited to share that the UCL Press Open Access Journals Programme has launched on a new platform; providing a more intuitive, improved navigation experience for its global readers and greater flexibility, ownership, and efficiency for the Journals Programme as it continues to expand and grow.  

The suite of 15 open access journals published by UCL Press, including Radical Americas, the London Journal of Canadian Studies, the Journal of Bentham Studies and Architecture_MPS, create valuable opportunities, contributions and advances across the humanities, law, and social sciences, as well as in science, technology, and engineering. The journals programme also actively promotes and creates opportunities for cross-disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary research and learning.   

All journals are editorially independent, each supported by its own Editorial Board; carefully appointed to provide specialist subject specific expertise. The journals are published open access to help ensure the widest possible inclusivity, dissemination, and readership, offering a Diamond Open Access publication model, with no charges to publish. As well as being hosted on our new platform, UCL Press also distributes all published articles widely to ensure maximum reach to their desired readership, working with a large number of subject specific indexers, repositories, and search databases, including PubMed Central, Web of Science, Scopus, DOAJ, Dimensions, Google Scholar and many more.  

The Journals programme reaches a global audience and attracts a broad range of contributors from the global academic community. UCL Press welcomes submissions and peer reviews from the global academic community and provide a fast, inclusive, and fully non-commercial publishing process, with no Author Processing Charge. You can learn more about the aims, scope, submission criteria and indexing arrangements for our journals by visiting the ‘About’ page of each journal at their new home. 


Visit our journals at their new home


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Some of our journals:

Journal cover for Radical Americas
Radical Americas

Journal cover for Canadian Studies
The London Journal of Canadian Studies

Journal cover for Bentham Studies
The Journal of Bentham Studies