
Department of Political Science


Postgraduate Alumni

Many of our former students have gone on to carry out exciting work. You can find out about some of our alumni below.

Public Policy MSc - Cristóbal Lea-Plaza

After his masters, Cristóbal became a Public Policy Manager for Amcham Chile.
"[My time at] UCL helps me to understand public policy not as a specific concept but a global one."

Read Cristóbal's story


Security Studies - Liam Monsell

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtu.be/WVFhe5U8gKk



After his masters, Liam went on to work for a company that identifies and disrupts violent narratives and hate speech online, for global partners, governments and academic consortiums.

(MPA) - Hilary Nathan-Carter

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtu.be/GWfrb6NF690



After her MPA, Hillary became Policy and Communications Director for a UK medical charity working to combat diabetes.


Contact us

Admission enquiries: polsci.admissions@ucl.ac.uk


Watch our seminars

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtu.be/LVAb0FhSChc

We host weekly public seminars in Terms 1 & 2, all are available to watch on YouTube.