Episode 11 - Coronavirus: The Whole Story
Proud to Help
We're shining a light on UCL staff and students who helped when they were most needed. Join our host Vivienne Parry OBE as we hear from Prof David Lomas, Vice Provost Health and Dr Sophie Bracke, new junior doctor - who both joined the frontlines at the height of the Covid-19 crisis.
Clinically trained staff and the Medicine class of 2020 were fast-tracked into service in order to deal with the unmet need at the NHS.
Our guests talk about the challenge to respond rapidly, the brilliant teamwork they found in the hospital, and how the experience was both humbling and unforgettable.
The story is not over yet, but right now we say thanks to all the students and staff at UCL and all UK universities who have stepped up, volunteered, fundraised, and so much more during the Covid-19 pandemic. #WeAreTogether #ProudToHelp
Access the transcript and more information on www.ucl.ac.uk/ucl-minds/podcasts/coronavirus-whole-story