
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences



Contents of UCLWPL 6 (1994)

Edited by John Harris


Michael Brody Phrase structure and dependence
Annabel Cormack & Richard Breheny Projections for functional categories
Annabel Cormack & Neil Smith Serial verbs
Richard Hudson Discontinous phrases in dependency grammar
Richard Hudson, and Rosta & Nikolas Gisborne Learnability and LIKELY/PROBABLE
Hans van de Koot On the status of the Projection Principle in the
Minimalist Program
Christian Kreps Another look at Small Clauses
Ana Maria Madeira On the Portuguese inflected infinitive
M Rita Manzini Syntactic dependencies and their properties: a note on strong island
And Rosta Dependency and grammatical relations
Anna Roussou Subjunctive complements in Modern Greek: a preliminary account.
George J Xydopoulos Adverbial NPs in Modern Greek


Robyn Carston Metalinguistic negation and echoic use
Mary Lou Grimberg On Nunberg on indexicality and deixis
Reiko Itani A relevance-based analysis of hearsay particles:
Japanese utterance-final tte
Tomoko Matsui Bridging reference and style


Harry van der Hulst Radical CV Phonology: the locational gesture
Toyomi Takahashi Constraint interaction in Aranda stress
John Harris Monovalency and opacity: Chichewa height harmony