
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences



Contents of UCLWPL 17 (2005)

Edited by Mary Pearce and Nina Topintzi

Language Acquisition

Kate Scott Child null subjects
Marco Tamburelli The importance of paradigm formation in bilingual acquisition: Evidence from talian


Mary Pearce Kera tone and voicing
Nina Topintzi Putting 'commas' at the right place: A note on crucial non-ranking in OT


Annabel Cormack and Neil Smith Linearisation: adjuncts and arguments
Vikki Janke Control without a subject
Reiko Vermeulen External possession in Korean

Semantics and Pragmatics

Nicholas Allott Paul Grice, reasoning and pragmatics
Richard Breheny A New Look at the Semantics and Pragmatics of Numeral Expressions
Robyn Carston A Note on Pragmatic Principles of Least Effort
Robyn Carston and George Powell Relevance Theory - New Directions and Developments
Richard Horsey The content of logical concepts
Patricia Kolaiti Pragmatics and the phantasm called text: A relevance-theoretic approach to cohesion
Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson Pragmatics
Rosa Elena Vega Moreno Idioms, transparency and pragmatic inference
Deirdre Wilson and Tim Wharton Relevance and Prosody

Contents of UCLWPL 17 (2005)

Edited by Mary Pearce and Nina Topintzi


John Harris Vowel reduction as information loss
Jason Kandybowicz Nupe tonology and the categorical identity of verb copy tones: a pilot experimental study


Annabel Cormack and Neil Smith

Backward control in Korean and Japanese

Nicole Dehé On the order of objects in Icelandic double object constructions
Hitoshi Shiraki Anaphors, agreement and case
Susagna Tabau Early Catalan OV Sequences: Empirical Evidence for the Poverty of Stimulus Argument
Hans van de Koot Explaining Barss's generalization

Semantics and Pragmatics

Alison Hall The meaning of but: A procedural reanalysis
Mark Jary Indicative mood, assertoric force and relevance
Marie-Odile Taillard

Adaptive persuasion

Hiroyuki Uchida Indefinites; an extra-argument-slot analysis
Rosa Elena Vega Moreno Metaphor interpretation and emergence
Tim Wharton Lexical acquisition and pragmatics
Deirdre Wilson Relevance and lexical pragmatics