
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Integrated BSc Psychology for Medical Students

Structure of the Programme

The programme is made up of 120 credits in total: six 15-credit modules and a 30-credit research project. The six optional modules are at Third Year level. A large range of third year modules are available, details of which are provided in advance of the early module registration period.

The research project can usually be carried out in one of the department's laboratories or outside - for example, in a hospital ward or clinic (where in-person data collection is not possible, online alternatives are provided). Each module, apart from the research project, is usually taught in 15 lectures . One hour each week is spent in seminars with other intercalating students. Much of the remaining time is spent following up reading suggested in lectures, in writing essays and in preparing, conducting and analysing the research project.

Every module that students attend will have clearly stated aims and objectives. These will be given with the lecture synopsis and reading lists that accompany the module. The reading lists will distinguish strongly recommended items from those which give background information.


A range of assessment methods is usually used, including exams, coursework, and project reports. Each module is assessed and examined separately in the same academic year in which you take it.


Teaching is delivered through a combination of lectures, seminars and material in a virtual learning environment. Some modules also involve workshops or practical classes. Typically, each module involves a weekly lecture of one or two hours . You will have one seminar with around 8-9 other students each week, at which you can discuss developments in Psychology and topics covered on the programme with an academic. These seminars are not linked to any lectures.

The content that you will cover can be found under the 'Module Descriptions' tab below.

Module Descriptions
Optional Modules at Third Year Level

IBSc students are required to choose six Third Year level modules (all 15 credits). The IBSc tutor will be able to advise on whether a given selection is appropriate. An example of modules offered (from 2023-24) is given below:

  • PSYC0010  - Social Psychology
  • PSYC0022  - Psychology and Education
  • PSYC0023 - Topics in Clinical Psychology
  • PSYC0024 - Organisational Psychology
  • PSYC0025  - Social Psychology of Risk
  • PSYC0026  - Topics in Developmental Psychology
  • PSYC0028  - Applied Decision Making
  • PSYC0029  - Speech
  • PSYC0030  - Human Learning and Memory
  • PSYC0031  - Cognitive Neuroscience
  • PSYC0032  - Brain in Action
  • PSYC0036  - Genes and Behaviour
  • PLIN0029  - Stuttering
  • PSYC0002 - Behaviour Change
  • PSYC0286 - Psychology of Climate Change
Research Project (30 credits)
Terms 1 and 2
This is a piece of empirical/experimental research or computer modelling exercise on any broadly psychological topic. The division has teaching staff able to supervise projects in most areas of psychology, so a wide choice of topics is possible. Subjects studied in the past include post traumatic stress disorder, colour-blindness, effects of exercise on mood, satisfaction with obstetric care, dyslexia and complementary medicine, and neural mechanisms of memory.
A list of possible projects will be provided in the induction (usually in May).  For some online statistics support that you may find helpful view the
Online Stats Book.



Fees and Funding


For information on fees, costs and funding, please see the Intercalated BSc Prospectus. If you are an applicant from a medical programme external to UCL, please see the Further Information page for external iBSc applicants.

Application process

If you are a UCL MBBS or International Partnership Student, for details of how to apply please see the Medical School web-site. If you are an external applicant, please see the iBSc webpage for external candidates


The Integrated BSc course aims to introduce students to a wide range of areas in psychological science and give them an understanding of what psychological science can contribute to the theory and practice of medicine. Students will also have the opportunity to gain a range of transferable skills such as an understanding of research methods, ability to express ideas in writing and oral presentations and the ability to effectively find and organise information.


Students on the iBSc Psychology are expected to continue their MBBS training to pursue a career in Medicine.


The tutor to the programme is Prof Sam Solomon.

The administrator for the programme is: Jo Strange


Most questions should be answered in the Intercalated BSc Prospectus or for external applicants on the Information pages for external MBBS students