Edited by Patrick D. Elliott and Ezekiel J. Panitz
Click here to download full contents of UCLWPL 26
Syntax |
Kearsy Cormier | Pronouns, agreement and classifiers: What sign languages can tell us about linguistic diversity and linguistic universals |
Ezekiel J. Panitz |
Strong islands, resumption, and reconstruction |
Matthew Reeve | On control and envy |
Semantics and Pragmatics |
Giulio Dulcinati, Diana Mazzarella, Nausicaa Pouscoulous, and Jennifer Rodd | Processing metaphor: The role of conventionality, familiarity and dominance |
Jonny McIntosh | Evans’s Challenge to Temporalism |
Iris Mulders and Kriszta Szendrői | Early association of prosodic focus with alleen ‘only’: evidence from eye movements in the visual-world paradigm |
Deirdre Wilson | Relevance theory |