
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Professor Mairead Macsweeney

Professor Mairéad MacSweeney

I am a Wellcome Senior Research Fellow. I am also the leader of the Visual Communication Research Group at the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience.

In my research I examine the impact of altered sensory and language experience on cognition, language and the brain. I do this by working with people born profoundly deaf and those who use a signed language. My research has focused on sign language, speechreading, and reading of written English. Advances in this field are not only of theoretical interest regarding how the brain processes language, but are also likely to have important clinical and educational implications for deaf children and adults.

Prof. Mairéad MacSweeney's publications
Current funding: Wellcome Trust
Direct contact: 020 7679 1157
E-mail: Prof. Mairéad MacSweeney
(profile photo credit: Wellcome Trust)