Work Package 3: Infrastructural Resilient Recovery (lead by Co-Is Galasso, Rossetto, Nurdin, and Idris)
Our vision is to foster the resilient recovery of the displaced communities of Palu, Indonesia, by using schools as hubs to improve life. This work package will investigate the exposure characteristics and the physical vulnerability modelling of the school infrastructure in Palu. To meet these aims, we will conduct an assessment phase by developing comprehensive databases of typical and systematically defined structural typologies for schools in Palu, and of selected earthquake and tsunami fragility and vulnerability functions for each structural typology; we will also investigate resilience-improving (physical) solutions through the assessment of typical (physical) vulnerability reduction measures for each structural typology. Training workshops will then be co-developed with local stakeholders for local engineers and local masons in Palu, and orientation materials for students, parents, and teachers on physical vulnerability assessment will be composed. Additionally, an innovative multi-criteria prioritisation algorithm for earthquake and tsunami retrofitting of school buildings will be proposed, which considers the community's resilience and WASH aspirations. Interventions will also be shaped by the insights garnered through Work Package 1: Psychosocial Resilient Recovery and Work Package 2: WASH Resilient Recovery and existing evidence.