Prices were taken from, and are subject to change.
Field, A. (2013) Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics (4th Edition) Sage £35.69 Recommended reading. Popular with psychology students and one of the few statistics books with a sense of humour. Well informed about statistics. Good guide to SPSS. Covers more than the MSc course but useful investment for anyone planning to do research. You might be able to get a second hand 3rd edition cheaper but the 4th edition does cover the IBM version SPSS used on the course.
Morgan, G. A., Leech, N.L., Gloeckner, G.W. & Barrett, K. C. (2012) IBM SPSS for Introductory Statistics: Use and Interpretation (5th Edition) Erlbaum £25.90 Cheaper than Field but not as comprehensive. Covers most of the course except repeated measures ANOVA, which is included in a second volume: Leech et al. (2011) IBM SPSS for Intermediate Statistics. The two volumes combined are equivalent to Field but the combined price is greater.
Dancey, C. P. & Reidy, J. (2011) Statistics Without Maths for Psychology (5th Edition) Prentice-Hall £30.00 Reasonably well informed. Good guide to SPSS (though not IBM version). Covers more than the MSc course.
Maxwell, D. L. & Satake, E. (2006) Research and Statistical Methods in Communication Sciences and Disorders Thomson £63.00 Well-informed and devoted to language research. Covers more than the MSc course. No coverage of SPSS. Probably difficult to get hold of and also expensive. There is one copy in the library.
Pring, T. (2004) Research Methods in Communication Disorders
Whurr £32.95
Relatively readable
account, if less informed than other texts, and one of the few statistics books
devoted to an area of language research. Doesn’t cover all topics in the MSc
course or deal with SPSS. Field is better value.
More advanced
Howell, D. C. (2012) Statistical Methods for Psychology (8th Edition) Wadsworth £133.84 Rigorous and well-informed coverage of undergraduate (and some postgraduate) statistics. Covers more than the MSc course. Covers some SPSS output. Has more maths than any of the above texts (so useful if you want a more technical account of statistics). Not sure why the 2012 hardback edition is so expensive and why there is no 2012 paperback edition. Earlier editions are cheaper and probably better value.
Less advanced (for absolute beginners)
Rumsey, D. (2011) Statistics for Dummies (2nd Edition)
Wiley £10.34
similar to Statistics Essentials for Dummies. Covers descriptive
statistics, confidence intervals, hypothesis-testing, correlation and
regression, but not ANOVA i.e. it covers less than the MSc course.
Rowntree, D. (2000) Statistics Without Tears: An Introduction for Non-Mathematicians
Penguin £6.99
Covers descriptive statistics, t-tests and correlation i.e. much less than the MSc course but might be useful to someone without mathematical knowledge.
Rumsey-Johnson, D. (2010) Statistics Essentials for Dummies
Wiley £5.24
Covers descriptive statistics, confidence intervals, hypothesis-testing, correlation and regression, but not ANOVA i.e. it covers less than the MSc course but it might be an additional aid to understanding elementary statistics.
Rumsey, D. (2009) Statistics II for Dummies
Wiley £10.34
Covers regression, ANOVA, chi-squared, non-parametric statistics. Combined with Statistics Essentials for Dummies (2010) or Statistics for Dummies (2011), covers most of the MSc course but not repeated measures ANOVA or SPSS coverage (there is an SPSS for Dummies book as well).