
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Other mandatory modules

PALSG101 Introduction to the Brain and Imaging the Brain is also attended by all MSc Language Sciences students.  This is another module where, although there is a steep learning curve, the module begins at an introductory level.  Students might benefit from reading:
WARD, J. (2015) The Student's Guide to Cognitive Neuroscience (3rd). Psychology Press
DIAMOND, C & SCHEIBEL, A. (2000) The Human Brain Colouring Book. Collins

Neuroscience & Communication students (and others) will attend PLING121: Syntax.
HAEGEMAN, L. (2005) Thinking Syntactically. Wiley-Blackwell
PINKER, S. The Language Instinct. Various editions
Can help provide an introduction for these modules.

PALSG103: Neuroscience of Language is taught in term 2, and attending PALSG101 will help prepare you for this module.