Building your timetable can be the trickiest part of module selection, as there will always be modules you want to take, but every combination may not be possible. For part-time students putting together a timetable that fits with work, or other commitments, and knowing it in advance can also be a challenge.
When you enrol you will have full access to the UCL Online Timetable
system, which allows you to view your personal timetable as well as
timetables for individual modules and groups of modules. When you're
selecting modules you'll use this to check when things are taught and
see how they fit into the timetable you are building.
As a start, the modules which are attended by all MSc Language Sciences students are:
PALSG101: Introduction to the Brain and Imaging the Brain
Term one, Wednesday 11:00-13:00
PALSG102: Research Methods
Term one, Tuesday 14:00-17:00; term two, Wednesday 14:00-17:00
Other modules mandatory on specific specialisations:
PALSG103: Neuroscience of Language
Term two, Tuesday 14:00-16:00
PLING121: Syntax I
Term one, Wednesday 09:00-11:00
We work hard to make sure that as many combinations of core and common optional module choices are available as possible, but it is up to you (along with your Strand Coordinator) to ensure that your module choices don't have clashing timetables.