PTLC2017 takes place in Chandler House, Wakefield Street, WC1N 1PF. Please note that this is not on the main UCL campus but approximately 1 km away to the east. You can find the location on this map by putting Chandler House in the 'Search or browse locations' box (or just put WC1N 1PF into Google maps). The nearest tube stations are Russell Square and King’s Cross-St Pancras.
The reception staff on the front door of Chandler House will be aware of conference participants so you will
be able to come and go as needed, although normally the entry is by a UCL ID
Those of you who have booked rooms with us will be staying at John Dodgson House, 24-36 Bidborough Street, London WC1H 9BL. The location of John Dodgson House can be found on the same map. It is a short walk from John Dodgson House to Chandler House.
Internet access should be available at John Dodgson House. There is also wireless access in Chandler House. If your home institution is a member of the eduroam confederation, you should be able to use your usual login details. Otherwise, you will probably be able to log in via the UCL Guest account (details at registration).
Registration will
take place from midday on Wednesday 9th August and the conference will open at 2:00