
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Induction week events

10:00 - 12:00
13:00 - 15:00
Mon 26th Sept
Tues 27th Sept
Library Induction
You must book one of the four sessions here
Chandler House, LaSS Library

Wed 28th Sept
Chandler House Tours
Short tours led by current students
Chandler House, Ground Floor
  Programme Welcome
General induction for MSc LangSci and MRes SLC students
Chandler House, Room G15
Group meeting
with Programme Director
Chandler House
 Thurs 29th Sept
 Fri 30th Sept

This schedule is developing, you should check back as more events will be added.

You should also schedule an Information Systems induction at a time that suits you, it is your responsibility to book a time for these sessions online.

Although programme specific events in induction week are not formal teaching, you are expected to attend them as there will be a lot of important and useful information for your coming study.  If you are unable to attend, you are asked to let Pete Buchanan know in advance, so alternate arrangements can be made.