
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Who we are

Be part of creating a sustainable UCL – a community initiative that aims to embed sustainability into research, buildings and behaviours at UCL, and beyond.

Faculty Sustainability Committee

Green Impact in the Faculty of Brain Sciences 

Our Green Champions lead a network of staff and students who work together to review practices, develop policies and promote best practice. 

Please get in touch with your Green Champion if you'd like to join your Institute or Divisional team or if you're keen to become a Green Champion yourself – all students and staff are welcome. 

Faculty Lead Green Champion
  • John Draper
Ear institute Green Champions
  • Caitlin Broadbent
  • Ricky Kemp
Queen Square Institute of Neurology Green Champions
  • Sarah Lawson 
  • Stephanie Czieso
Division of Psychiatry Green Champions
  • Kirsten Moore 
  • Yana Kitova 
  • Bridget Candy
  • Michaela Poppe 
  • Rebecca Jones 
  • Tayla McCloud 
  • Francesca Solmi 
  • Annie Jeffery
Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Green Champion
  • John Draper
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Green Champions
  • Anouchka Sterling
  • Safia Chaudhary
Institute of Ophthalmology Green Champions
  • Jill Cowing
  • Constance Maurer
  • Abi Li
  • Olive Byrne
  • Georgia Milne
  • James Wyles
  • Karen Frudd
  • Will Lamb
  • Dhani Tracey-White
Institute of Prion Diseases and MRC Prion Unit at UCL Green Champions
  • Simon Mead
  • Ryan Peter
  • Tamsin Nazari 

UCL's 2022 Sustainability Awards

The Faculty performed extremely well in UCL’s Green Impact and LEAF programmes, designed to make offices and labs more sustainable, achieving the following awards:

Green Impact Office Awards – Silver: 

  • Ear Institute Team

Green Impact Office Awards – Gold: 

  • Dementia Research Centre (UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology)
  • Division of Psychiatry
  • Institute of Ophthalmology
  • Institute of Ophthalmology Library
  • Division of Psychology and Language Sciences
  • Queen Square Library
  • UCL Language & Speech Science Library
  • UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology Admin

LEAF Awards for Sustainable Laboratories – Bronze:

  • Dubowitz Neuromuscular Centre
  • Institute of Ophthalmology BSU

LEAF Awards for Sustainable Laboratories – Silver:

  • Ear Institute Labs
  • MRC Prion Unit at UCL, Institute of Prion Diseases
  • Neuroinflammation
  • Imaging Neurosciences
  • Clinical and Movement Neurosciences

LEAF Awards for Sustainable Laboratories – Gold:

  • Neurodegenerative Disease
  • Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy
  • UK DRI at UCL
  • Neuromuscular Diseases
  • Institute of Ophthalmology labs
  • Psychology and Language Sciences LEAF Lab

To honour all of the winners, Sustainable UCL donated 315 trees to the UCL Grove, sequestering 18,900kg of carbon *(one tree can consume approximately 60kg of CO2 from the atmosphere). Sustainable UCL also handed out award certificates printed on seeded paper, inviting all recipients to grow wild flowers from their certificates.