
UCL News


Girls face 'sharp rise in emotional problems'

20 April 2015

New research led by Dr Elian Fink (UCL Psychology & Language Sciences), in conjunction with the Anna Freud Centre, has found that emotional problems in girls aged 11-13 in England increased by 55% between 2009 and 2014. Read: BBC News, More: Times (£), Telegraph, Daily Mail, Huffington Post, Belfast Telegraph, The Age, TES, UCL News, Listen: BBC Radio 5 '5 live Breakfast' (from 39 mins 9 secs), More: BBC Radio 5 'Morning Reports' (from 4 mins 23 secs), BBC Radio 4 'News Briefing' (from 3 mins 27 secs), BBC London 94.9 'Breakfast' (from 1 hour 35 mins), BBC Radio 4 'Woman's Hour' (from 1 min 5 secs), Watch: BBC News