Contact UCL's Security team direct from your phone with the SafeZone app
1 August 2022
We’re introducing SafeZone to all UCL students and staff to make it easier for you to contact UCL Security in an emergency.

SafeZone is a widely used safety app that allows all our students and staff to contact UCL Security and to request emergency support at the touch of a button.
The app allows you to:
- Request emergency assistance while on campus at the touch of a button.
- Contact UCL Security via your phone if you need general assistance or first aid
- Receive live updates from Security if they are responding to a problem in your building (you can opt in to notifications).
- ‘Check in’ with Security, for example if you’re working alone or travelling home.
- Stay in touch with UCL if you’re studying or travelling abroad - in the case of a critical incident you can let us know you're OK.
How to get SafeZone
Just download the app and register with your UCL email address:
Download SafeZone for Android/Google
Download SafeZone for iOs/Apple
The SafeZone app is not intended to replace any of our existing services such as dialling '222' from a UCL landline or 020 7679 2222 from all other devices, but should complement these.
When support is needed, the SafeZone app will enable the security team to respond faster and will give the team a more accurate location on campus without requiring the user to provide these through a phone call.
It’s not mandatory to use SafeZone, but the app is free to download and can use by anyone at UCL who wants to do so.
SafeZone and your privacy
You choose when to share your data - the system is privacy-protected and won’t share your location unless you call Security or use the check-in function. This also means the app will not drain your phone battery.