UCL bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct report
14 November 2019
In February of this year, UCL launched a new online reporting tool called Report + Support to make reporting issues of bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct easier.

Staff and students can report ‘anonymously’ or ‘contact an advisor’ to find out their options for support and resolution.
Report + Support has been in place for over six months, and as part of the commitment to improve transparency and build trust and confidence in reporting, UCL has published a Six Months Insights Report. The report details the number and nature of reports, actions taken and a progress update on the Preventing Sexual Misconduct Strategy Group work.
Key insights include:
- 165 reports were made during the six month period, with 59% relating to bullying
- 71% of reports have been anonymous
- Targeted interventions have been implemented in areas with higher rates of reporting.
- Increased update of support resources such as Dignity Advisors
The Preventing Sexual Misconduct Strategy group has made significant progress, including:
- Recommending revised policies: ‘Prevention of bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct policy’ and ‘Personal Relationships Code’
- Introducing a dedicated support line for bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct
- Institutional agreement with Rape Crisis South London for specialist support and training
While UCL has not always addressed these issues as well as it could in the past, we are committed to drawing a line in the sand and saying ‘Full Stop’ to bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct. If we are to change the culture and create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of the UCL community, we need to work together. We invite you all to continue to report unacceptable behaviour through this platform, and to join us in saying ‘Full Stop’ to bulling, harassment and sexual misconduct.
If you have questions or wish to provide feedback, please contact reportandsupport@ucl.ac.uk.