Seven questions with Zak Mohran
22 February 2017
This week, we meet Zak, the current Sustainability, Engagement and Operations Officer at UCLU, as well as a Mechanical Engineering student, who is set to graduate in 2018.

Why are you interested in mechanical engineering and what do you plan to do in the future?
I love looking at a problem, figuring out a solution to it, then seeing that affect people's lives. I'm currently involved in startups and I want to continue working in small teams throughout my career to hopefully bring about some positive change.
What is the most interesting thing you've done, seen or got involved with while at UCL?
I was involved in
some pretty big projects during my degree that really interested me, and I've been involved in many societies that offered so many different things, from fencing to
boxing and even chocolate tasting.
I think the most interesting thing would be working for a year as a sabbatical officer in UCLU. It is such a great opportunity to make a change, so I hope students will select next year's officers wisely during the upcoming elections.
Have you discovered any hidden gems during your time at UCL?
The SSEES library! It's so big and great to work in, plus the faculty is quite small and not a lot of students know about it. I would study there a lot during my degree because you'd always be able to find a seat (sorry SSEES students).
Give us your top three things to do/see/go to in London.
I'm from London so everything is pretty normal to me by now. I live in east London and the great thing about that area is that it's completely covered in great graffiti - there's always new ones popping up, so you always see amazing and fresh art, for free!
If you have been living in London for more than four weeks and you do not have a favourite chicken shop, you haven't been doing London properly at all, so that's my number 2 - unless you are a vegetarian or vegan of course. Check out a video on my favourite chicken shop.
Finally, I hate shopping. Except for shoes, so catch me in Carnaby Street.
If you were Provost for the day what one thing would you do?
Cut the rent.
What working achievement or initiative are you most proud of?
I changed the stock levels of different products in our cafés very early on in the year and received an unexpected amount of positive feedback from the student body about it. A lot of our students were using high street stores last year and now they are using our non-profit cafés, which means the money goes straight back into the student union and student activities.
Tell us about a project you are working on now that is top of your to-do list.
I'm finishing up putting together a big report about water fountain provision at UCL. It is very exciting because it's going to inform where UCL where places water fountains this year, and for the next few years too.
What would it surprise people to know about you?
I've always wanted to go to space but I don't think it's going to be easy, so I've started saving up for a Virgin Galactic ticket. Donations welcome.