Participants needed for paid walking study: £25 Amazon voucher reimbursement
29 September 2015
Researchers from the UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis are looking for participants to take part in their EEG study on walking, which is based in the Fitzrovia area.

During the experiment you will be asked to wear an EEG cap, carry a lightweight backpack with recording equipment and walk to various locations in Fitzrovia.
You must be very familiar with Fitzrovia, having lived/worked or worked extensively in this area. You must feel comfortable walking in the area without using a map and have learned the area casually over time. If you wish to participate, please refrain from using maps of the area until taking part in the study.
After the walking session, you will be asked to complete questionnaires about the experiment.
How long does it take?
The study requires approximately 4 hours, which involves 30 minutes of preparation, 1 hour walking in Fitzrovia, and then filling in relevant questionnaires.
You will
receive one £25 Amazon voucher upon completion of the study.
Who can take part?
- Are very familiar with Fitzrovia
- Right handed
- Age 18-45
- Non-heavy-smoker and non-heavy-drinker
- Can comfortably walk 1.5 hours continuously
You won't be able to participate in this study if:
- You have severe colour vision deficiency
- If you are left handed
Where does the experiment take place?
The experiment takes place at the UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, 90 Tottenham Court Road, W1T 4TJ and involves walking around Fitzrovia, London.
If you are
interested to take part, please contact Panus Mavros.
This study has been approved by the UCL Research Ethics Committee (Project ID 4329/003). All data will be collected and stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
Panos Mavros, UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
- Warren Street Tube Station with the BT Tower in the background (Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons).