UK-Japanese entrepreneurship workshop: apply now
1 May 2015
Two UCL students have the chance to join a team of UK and Japanese students to develop innovative solutions to global problems at this UCL-based workshop.

The workshop is being held in conjunction with Japanse and UK universities from the RENKEI network which includes Bristol, Newcastle, Leeds, Southampton, Liverpool; Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, Tohoku, Ritsumeikan, and Kyushu.
August 2015
Participants are expected to be in residence for the duration of the workshop, 3-13 August 2015, at a cost of £47.50 per night (bed, breakfast, dinner). There will be a separate cultural programme as part of the workshop.
A second follow-on workshop is planned for 2016 which will take place in Osaka
University, Japan. Ideally UCL applicants
(from any subject area) should remain enrolled at the university until the end of 2016 in order to qualify for a place on the workshop.Full
details, and information about how to apply can be
found at
Applications should be submitted by 5 June 2015 to Professor Nick Tyler (UCL Engineering),, UCL Pro-Vice-Provost East and South Asia.
Dr Andrew Pink, UCL Office for International Affairs