Universities Superannuation Scheme: Ongoing discussions between employers and UCU representatives and new Q&A's
18 December 2014
Since the last Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) meeting on the 13 November, representatives from both Universities UK (UUK) and UCU have continued to meet and discuss proposals to changes of the USS.
The discussions will continue through until the JNC meeting on the 15 January 2015, which is when the Chairman of the JNC has requested that both parties should, if possible, reach a consensus on the proposals.
A new set of Question and Answers have
been added to the UCL Pensions webpages. UCL has contributed, along with other
HEI employers to the response by UUK to the USS Trustees consultation on the
technical actuarial assumptions and recovery plan (to clear the deficit). A
copy of the response is available on the Employers Pensions Forum webpage.
Nigel Waugh, Director of Human Resources