
UCL News


Visiting professor among top-cited geoscientists

11 September 2007


thomson.com/content/pr/sci/229867" target="_self">Thomson Scientific
  • Professor Birks
  • UCL Environmental Change Research Centre

  • A new study by Thomson Scientific lists UCL Visiting Professor John Birks (UCL Geography) as the world's sixth most cited geoscientist.Data from 224 journals and more than 150,000 papers published during the past decade were analysed to rank institutions, authors and journals based on total citations.

    The study also looks at the 25 most highly cited geosciences authors over the past ten years.

    Professor Birks, a resident of the University of Bergen, Norway, came in at sixth position with 1,548 citations from 1996-2007.

    The expert in palaeoecology spends six to eight weeks every year for teaching and research purposes at the UCL Environmental Change Research Centre, which is concerned primarily with aquatic ecosystem change and climate change on a range of time scales, past, present and future.

    To find out more, use the links at the top of this article