Dr Yang Lang from CNIE chaired a session at UCL Research Open Day
29 September 2021

Dr Yang Lang from UCL CNIE chaired a session on “Nature-Inspired Chemical Engineering for Scalable Manufacturing & Process Intensification” at the UCL Research virtual Open Day.
Professor Marc-Olivier Coppens delivered a presentation on the topic. Dr Jean-Francois Joly from IFPEN (IFP Energies nouvelles) was guest speaker, delivering a presentation on “Partnership-driven research strategy”, and highlighting the excellent collaboration through a unique Scientific Research Framework Agreement between IFPEN and UCL, initiated by the CNIE. Dr Joly also discussed the great industrial opportunities he saw for nature-inspired solutions in scalable manufacturing and process intensification, using the NIS methodology developed at the CNIE.
UCL Chemical Engineering hosted its first virtual Research Day on 15 September 2021 to showcase its research and spur interdisciplinary collaboration with industry and other academics. The event featured poster presentations, panel discussions, industry speakers and 1:1 sessions with academics.
Congratulations to CNIE PhD student Aleksandra Glowska (jointly supervised by Prof Marc-Olivier Coppens and Dr Elsa Jolimaitre from IFPEN) for being runner-up of the Best Poster Prize. Aleksandra’s poster was on the topic “Impact of spatial heterogeneity on diffusion in gamma-alumina catalyst supports”, exemplifying the excellent outcomes of the academic-industrial collaboration discussed on the day.