Stream Leader
TBC - email for queries
The aims of the Physics stream are to answer some of the most fundamental questions about the physical universe - from ‘what is the mass of the neutrino?’ to ‘how do galaxies form and evolve?’ It encompasses technological developments and applications in domains such as information processing, health-care, energy and the environment. Broadly the stream aims to cover different areas of modern physics:
Atomic and Particle Physics
Aims - to provide an introduction to the basic concepts of quantum theory and its application to the physics of atoms, molecules, nuclei and particles, reaching a level where specialist courses or project work are accessible.
- understand the formal structure of quantum theory and how quantum mechanics can be applied to a range of microscopic physical systems.
- investigate the experimental properties and quantum explanation of the behaviour of atoms and molecules, both in isolation and in interaction with fields and radiation.
- consider the observed phenomena of nuclear and particle physics and the models used to explain them.
Condensed Matter Physics
Aims - to covers the fundamental physics underlying the properties of solid and liquid matter.
- understand the classical and quantum mechanics of atomic and molecular interactions, and how these are used within a framework of statistical mechanics.
- investigate the thermal, optical, mechanical and electronic properties of condensed matter systems.
- consider the principles that can lead to an appreciation of materials science and the emerging field of nanotechnology.
- Year 1
All Physics stream students must take:
- Mathematics for Natural Sciences A (NSCI0005)
- Modern Physics, Astronomy and Cosmology (PHAS0011)
- Thermal Physics and the Properties of Matter (PHAS0006)
- Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus (NSCI0027)
Students who are combining Physics stream with Mathematics and Statistics stream must also take:
- Year 2
Combinations with Mathematics and Statistics stream:
Students will take:
Students must choose 15 credits from:
and also choose 15 credits from:
All other stream combinations:
Students will take:
and must choose 15 credits from:
It is also recommended students take one of:
- Year 3
All Physics stream students must take:
If students are majoring in Physics then they must take:
Students must pick 15 credits from:
- Nuclear and Particle Physics (PHAS0040) (requires PHAS0023)
- Solid State Physics (PHAS0041) (requires PHAS0024)
Students majoring should pick 15 - 30 credits and students minoring can pick 0 - 15 credits from:
- Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (NSCI0035)
- Electromagnetic Theory (PHAS0038)
- Theory of Dynamical Systems (PHAS0049)
- Climate and Energy (PHAS0050)
- Lasers and Modern Optics (PHAS0053)
- Materials and Energy Materials (PHAS0055)
- Practical Machine Learning for Physicists (PHAS0056)
- Physics of the Earth (PHAS0057)
- Year 4
All student majoring in Physics must take:
- Physics and Astrophysics project (PHAS0097) - MSci Research Project
Students majoring can take 45 - 75 credits and students minoring can take 0 - 30 credits of the following (subject to having the relevant pre-requisities):
- Physics of Advanced Materials (PHAS0058)
- Theoretical Condensed Matter (PHAS0059)
- Advanced Topics in Statistical Mechanics (PHAS0061)
- Advanced Quantum Theory (PHAS0069)
- Quantum Computation and Communication (PHAS0070)
- Particle Physics (PHAS0072)
- Quantum Field Theory (PHAS0073)
- Order and Excitations in Condensed Matter (PHAS0075)
- Molecular Physics (PHAS0099)
- Techniques of High-Performance Computing (PHAS0102)
- Atom and Photon Physics (PHAS0105)
The Physics stream combines with:
- Physical Chemistry (in particular the area of Atomic and Particle physics)
- Inorganic and Materials Chemistry (in particular the area of Condensed Matter physics)
- Geosciences
- Molecular and Cell Biology
- Mathematics and Statistics
- History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science