UK database
One way in which we are trying to find out more is by creating a research database of people who are diagnosed with iatrogenic CAA in the United Kingdom. This will allow us to establish how many people are affected and which medical procedures iatrogenic CAA is associated with. We also plan to use this database to contact people with iatrogenic CAA about future research studies that might be of interest to you. Being part of the database does not commit you to taking part in any future studies.
This project is led by Dr Gargi Banerjee, Clinical Lecturer in Neurology at the MRC Prion Unit at UCL. It has been approved by the South West - Central Bristol Research Ethics Committee (Reference 21/SW/0052).
- For patients
If you would like to find out more about this project, or are a participant and have any questions, please contact us at
You can find copies of the following study documents using the links below:
Please note: These study documents may not be reproduced without permission.
- For clinicians
Please let us know about possible cases of iatrogenic CAA via the Association of British Neurologists (ABN) Rare Diseases Ascertainment and Recruitment (RaDAR) reporting tool, which can be found here:
If you have any questions, or would like more information about iatrogenic CAA, please contact us by email at
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