Omid Akhlaghi graduated fromthe University of Tehran, Iran, in Materials Science and Engineering in 2011.He, then, completed his Ph.D. at the Sabanci University, Turkey, in 2017 incolloidal and polymer science. His research primarily involved the design,synthesis, and optimization of novel organic additives, formulation of colloidalsystems, and rheological investigation of concentrated suspensions and polymericsolutions. In 2018, he moved to the National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon,France, as a post-doctoral researcher to design, formulate, and shape aqueousnano zirconia-based colloids. He developed translucent/transparent-highstrength Yttria Stabilized Zirconia, particularly for dental applications. Omidjoined Nanoengineering Systems Lab in 2020 and he is currently working on NICEDROPSproject investigating smart jamming suspensions for durable slippery liquid-infused porous surfaces (SLIPs).